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Cheddar cheese is made from pasteurized cow’s milk and is characterized by its yellow to orange-yellow color. The production process involves separating curds and whey, adding salt to the curds, and then kneading and cutting into blocks. As cheddar matures, its texture becomes relatively hard with a slightly crumbly consistency.

Industrial applications:

  • Processed cheese
  • Melted, shredded, grated, and sliced forms


Cheddar cheese is available in 20 kg blocks in cardboard boxes.

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Mozzarella cheese, made from pasteurized cow’s milk, is crafted using the pasta filata technique, which involves stretching the cheese to create its structure.

Industrial applications:

  • Shredded
  • Oven dishes
  • Pizza and baking


Mozzarella is available in 9.2 kg, 10 kg, or 15 kg blocks.


Gouda cheese, is a (semi) hard cheese and is made from pasteurized cow’s milk.  It is suitable for various applications and typically aged between 3-7 weeks.

Industrial applications:

  • Portioning, slicing, shredding, and melting


Gouda cheese is available in 15 kg blocks or 12 kg wheels.



Emmental cheese, is a hard cheese. It is known for its iconic holes, which are formed during the cheese-making process.

Industrial applications:

  • Standalone cheese
  • Melted, shredded, grated, and sliced forms
  • Bakery ingredient


Emmental is available in different sizes, including 12 kg, 15 kg, 42 kg, 60-80 kg, and 75 kg.


Edam cheese, produced in the Netherlands, is known for its small spherical shape and characteristic red coating. With a slightly lower fat content compared to Gouda, Edam is suitable for various industrial applications.

Industrial applications:

  • Standalone cheese
  • Melted, shredded, grated, and sliced forms.


Available in approximately 15 kg blocks.

Grated cheese, Maasdam, on a cutting board, grater and cheese knife, close-up, no people,


Maasdam cheese is characterized by its distinctive holes and has a higher moisture content than Emmental, resulting in a softer texture.

Industrial applications:

  • Melted and sliced forms
  • Ready-cooked dishes


Available in 15 kg blocks or 12 kg wheels.

Pre-packed cheeses

Please contact us to discuss the possibilities for customized pre-packed cheese options.

Thick slices of cheddar cheese on a wooden cutting board